Post-Offer Employment Testing Solutions
• Hire capable candidates.
• Reduce injuries.
• Save money.
• Reduce injuries.
• Save money.
Are you hiring smart? The candidate may be ideal on paper, but can they perform the job duties safely?
At WorkSTEPS, we're here to help both employers and employees create a safer and more productive work environment.
Our Post-Offer Employment Testing ensures that your employment candidates are not only qualified on paper but also physically capable of performing the essential functions of the job they've been offered.
The benefits of Post-Offer employment testing.
For Employers:
- Decrease work-related injuries.
- Lower workers' compensation costs (typically by 50% of musculoskeletal related claims following the first year of implementation).
- Reduce turnover.
- Decrease healthcare costs.
- Lower accident rates.
- Minimize disruptions to production when skilled workers face challenges.
For Employee:
- Capable workers results in a safer workplace, reducing the risk of injury for all workers.
- Prevents you from being hired into a predictable injury.
Hire confidently.
Post-Offer Employment Testing with WorkSTEPS provides employers with the confidence that they’ve reduced the risk of injuries and improved workplace safety.
Why WorkSTEPS?
- Highest level of ADA/EEOC compliance and legal defensibility in the market
- No successful EEOC challenges in nearly forty years; 4 million completed tests.
- Backed by 50-page white paper authored by leading national employment labor law firm.
- Unmatched validity via PAVE validity measures
- Largest near-site provider network of any methodology assuring national scope and scalability
- Unmatched and ongoing validity of testing with PAVE subscription.
- Job Analysis process unique to industry that keeps up with your evolving job tasks to avoid your POET from drifting out of compliance